SSMU condemns administration’s lack of response to sexual assault case, calls for university-funded sexual assault centre, consent workshops

The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU)’s Legislative Council will lobby McGill to improve the resources available for sexual assault victims, following a vote at the Nov. 21 Council meeting. The call for action comes after students and student organizations have expressed concern about the McGill administration’s treatment of a[Read More…]

Updated version of Leacock restructuring plan presented at AUS Council

The latest version of the People, Processes, and Partnerships (PPP) restructuring plan for McGill’s Leacock Building features two additional administrative hubs and more teaching assistant (TA) cubicles. Faculty of Arts Associate Dean Gillian Lane-Mercier announced the changes to the plan at the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) Council meeting last Wednesday.[Read More…]

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