FEUQ membership on fall referendum

For the second time in two years, Students’ Society Council has taken steps to remove SSMU from student lobbying group la Fédération Etudiante Universitaire du Québec. In a special Council meeting held Thursday, a motion was passed that will add the question of SSMU’s membership in la FEUQ to the fall referendum ballot.

CITY: Cessna lands on Parc

Tam-tams participants quickly became eyewitnesses to a private Cessna airplane safely landing on Avenue du Parc near the George-Étienne Cartier monument at 4 p.m. Sunday.

CAMPUS: McGill unveils Medical Centre

The transition from medical textbooks to a clinical setting often leads to mistakes by well-meaning but inexperienced medical students. To try to help them learn in a risk-free setting, McGill has opened a Medical Simulation Centre to offer hands-on training.

CAMPUS: Recycling documentary to raise awareness

McGill alumni Jodie Martinson and Emmanuel Cappellin, both Arts 2006 graduates, worked over the summer to prepare a 30-minute documentary on the state of recycling at McGill that will premiere in the Lev Bukhman room this Thursday. The film also seeks to determine who is responsible for what they describe as McGill’s failures with respect to recycling and to propose long term solutions for individuals and for the administration.

Letters from the Editors

If you spend a lot of time complaining about McGill for its lack of or poorly run programs and student life, you would be a hypocrite to not vote YES for the Tribune’s independence. Okay, hypocrite’s a bit strong. But the point is, I spent a lot of time complaining about just that over my time at McGill.

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