A utilitarian approach to student wellbeing

McGill’s Counselling and Mental Health Services have come under fire in recent years, as changes meant to improve care have instead focused on reducing wait times and seeing as many patients as possible. Interviews with current and former counsellors at McGill Counselling Services—some of whom would only speak off the record because they[Read More…]

Names and stories to watch at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games

The 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Games are right around the corner, and a fresh set of Olympic heros are waiting in the wings. The Canadian delegation—225 athletes strong—is the largest in history. While every athlete hopes to capture Olympic gold, only a select few—from a wide variety of backgrounds—will have a[Read More…]


Nonfiction November—The Tribune’s favourite reads

Short of listening to a podcast, or reading a long article start-to-finish, reading nonfiction literature remains the best way of feeling like an intelligent, contemporary being. As finals season begins to rear its ugly head, and long days turn into longer nights spent in McLennan, pleasure reading can feel like[Read More…]

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