
The Features section stands as a cornerstone of The Tribune, offering readers an in-depth exploration of a wide range of topics. Each week, we delve into stories that cut to the heart of McGill and the vast expanses of Canada, from uncovering injustices to exploring identity, with each Feature boasting its own bespoke design.

See the latest Features below. Contact: [email protected].

Spent out and stretched to the limit

Inflation in Canada is at an all-time high: Recent data released shows that the consumer price index (CPI), which represents changes in prices, is up 6.9 per cent year-over-year in September. This month, Montreal’s city-wide average rent rose by $44 to $1,541 for an unfurnished one-bedroom unit. University students come[Read More…]

Leaving the starving student behind

Content Warning: Eating disorders Every McGill student has likely trekked to the library for a study session, and emerged five hours later, stomach grumbling, head aching, needing food close and quick. But not every McGill student can afford a $13.56 salad from Redpath or a $6.37 cup of fruit from[Read More…]

McGill’s greenwashing machine

Walking onto campus for the first time in months this September, my eyes were immediately drawn to the blue banners now adorning the Arts building and along the Y-intersection. These banners advertise the university’s Sustainability Projects Fund, featuring illustrations like bees, plants, bikes, and electric cars, along one of the[Read More…]

Levelling the playing field

The Euro 2022 final in July was still in a deadlock in the 90th minute, with England and Germany clinging on by a goal each. It remained as such until the second half of extra time, when Manchester City forward Chloe Kelly managed to slot the ball into the net[Read More…]

Sounding out the city

Dylan Hennessy is a part-time busker. Once, when performing at the intersection of Ste. Catherine and Crescent, with about 200 people gathered around him, fireworks started, and he even crowd surfed.  “It was like something out of a movie,” Hennessy told The McGill Tribune.  That same night, someone came and[Read More…]

It’s a lot, and it’s honest work

I don’t remember when I first learned about the existence of sex work. Certainly, I learned about sex at some point in a middle-school classroom, probably among a group of snickering teens. Yet the idea of sex as a job did not exist in my mind until cinematic depictions introduced[Read More…]

Opening the curtains for the Montreal theatre scene

ACT I //Enter Canadian Theatre.//  In 1949, Vincent Massey led the Massey Commission in an investigation of Canadian cultural and intellectual production. After its completion, the commission declared the country guilty of ignoring home-grown artistry in favour of foreign cultural products. While the American monopoly over publishing was a part[Read More…]

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