
News, off and on campus.

SSMU BoD ratifies motion for VP Finance by-election

The second Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Board of Directors (BoD) meeting of the fall semester was called to order on Sept. 20. The meeting’s public session included discussions of board members’ committee membership obligations and confirmation that the motion to hold a by-election to fill the currently-vacant vice-president[Read More…]

Mohawk Mothers return to court as McGill begins drilling on New Vic site

Content Warning: Mentions of assault and death The Kanien’kehá:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) called an emergency three-hour hearing on  Sept. 14 over the ongoing archaeological investigation into McGill’s New Vic Project site, where they believe there may be unmarked graves of Indigenous children.  Prompted by McGill’s decision to commence drilling on[Read More…]

OSVRSE hosts ninth annual #ConsentMcGill campaign

Content Warning: Mentions of sexual violence McGill’s Office for Sexual Violence Response, Support and Education (OSVRSE) hosted the ninth annual #ConsentMcGill campaign—a week devoted to educating the McGill community about consent, healthy relationships, and sexual violence through various events and workshops—from Sept. 11 to Sept. 15. Created in 2016, OSVRSE[Read More…]

Media Relations Office hosts press event with Associate Provost for Indigenous Initiatives

On Sept. 13, McGill’s Media Relations Office hosted a roundtable interview for student media with Celeste Pedri-Spade, the university’s first Associate Provost for Indigenous Initiatives and an Associate Professor of Anthropology.  Pedri-Spade, who began her five-year appointment in September 2022, is an Anishinaabekwe (Ojibwe) and a member of the Lac[Read More…]

Along Party Lines: Language education rights being debated as Bill 40 returns to court

Following the Quebec Superior Court’s ruling that portions of Bill 40—an education reform meant to transform the governance of English school boards—were unconstitutional, Premier François Legault publicly announced on Sept. 8 that his administration intended to send the case back to court. As of Sept. 15, their request for appeal[Read More…]

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