At a Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) General Assembly (GA) on Dec. 5, 356 undergraduate students passed a motion of impeachment against SSMU President Dymetri Taylor. The motion called for a referendum on the question of whether or not to remove Taylor from office on the grounds of impropriety[Read More…]
SSMU by-election fails to make quorum, results nullified
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) closed its executive by-election polls for the Vice-President (VP) Student Life and VP Sustainability and Operations roles on Nov. 29. The by-election voting window was nine days long, starting on Nov. 20. 10.7 per cent of SSMU’s constituency cast a vote, meaning that[Read More…]
Recap: SSMU Board of Directors meet on Nov. 26 to discuss governance and sustainability
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU)’s Board of Directors (BoD) met on Nov. 26 in a hybrid session held in the SSMU Boardroom and on Zoom. The meeting focused on improvements to SSMU governance regulations, sustainability initiatives, and committee appointments. After introductions and attendance, the agenda was adopted without[Read More…]
Candidates face off in SSMU by-election debate
On Nov. 19, roughly 20 students met over Zoom for a candidates’ debate as a part of the by-election to fill vacancies in the Vice-President (VP) Student Life and VP Operations and Sustainability executive positions at the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). This election follows the resignations of the[Read More…]
SSMU Legislative Council rejects proposed antisemitism policy after prolonged debate
On Nov. 21, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) held its penultimate Legislative Council meeting of the semester. Following over three hours of debate surrounding definitions of antisemitism and consultation processes, the Council failed to pass the proposed Policy Against Antisemitism after a secret ballot vote. The Council meeting[Read More…]
SSMU VP Sustainability and Operations resigns, second executive departure this semester
The Vice-President (VP) Sustainability and Operations of the Students’ Society of McGill (SSMU), Meg Baltes, announced her resignation at a Legislative Council meeting on Nov. 7. This follows the resignation of the former VP Student Life, Chloe Muñoz, who left the position on Oct. 29. Baltes will be staying on[Read More…]
Fall referendum CKUT fee increase passes, SSMU Base Fee increase fails for fifth time
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) closed the Fall 2024 Referendum polls on Nov. 8. Just 17.2 per cent of downtown campus undergraduate students cast a vote, two percent less than that of the Winter 2024 referendum. Six out of eight of the referendum’s ticket motions passed with a[Read More…]
McGill governance meeting highlights: Week of Nov. 4-8
Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) Nov. 6 Fall General Meeting PGSS’s Fall General Meeting included key discussion points such as an update from the Quebec Student Union (QSU), a motion to share an Expression of Concern (EoC) on Palestine, and concerns from a Macdonald Campus student about parking and childcare services.[Read More…]
SSMU VP Student Life Chloé Muñoz resigns
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Vice-President (VP) Student Life, Chloé Muñoz, announced her resignation from the role at the Oct. 24 Legislative Council meeting. Her resignation is effective Oct. 29. SSMU will run a by-election to fill the position and the remaining executives will share the responsibilities of[Read More…]
Gerts Bar & Café closed due to safety concerns in the basement space
The Gerts Bar & Café under the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) remains closed with the start of the school year because of concerns regarding its space in the University Centre. Expected to open by the end of the semester, the café will move to the Centre’s first floor,[Read More…]