
Regarding our Feb. 11, 2014 editorial

There were several errors in the Tribune’s Feb. 11 editorial as a result of our referencing an out-of-date version of the SSMU Equity Policy. Although the policy was updated in Apr. 2013, the previous March 2012 version was linked to on the official SSMU Equity webpage until the time of press[Read More…]

Time to leave TaCEQ

Last week the Regroupement des étudiants de maîtrise, diplôme et doctorat (REMDUS), the postgraduate student association of the Université de Sherbrooke, took the initial step towards leaving the Table de concertation étudiante du Québec (TaCEQ), a provincial federation of student associations of which the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU)[Read More…]

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