Research Briefs

Cracking the honesty code: Key techniques for encouraging honesty in children

Honesty is a crucial foundation for relationships and cooperation. In early childhood education, helping children recognize the importance of honesty is fundamental.  Victoria Talwar, professor in McGill’s Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology and lab director of the Talwar Child Development Research Lab, recently published a paper in Developmental Psychology[Read More…]

Diversity dynamics: Exploring organizational diversity’s impact on minority recruitment

Existing research in the field of psychology has shown that organizational diversity influences the work environment and the behaviours of individuals seeking employment opportunities. In a paper titled “A field study of the impacts of workplace diversity on the recruitment of minority group members,” Jordan Axt, assistant professor in McGill’s[Read More…]

Unlocking the brain’s potential through neuroplasticity and amblyopia treatment

The term ‘neuroplasticity’ never fails to incite intrigue. It involves structural and functional transformations within the brain as a way to adapt, often in response to interactions with the environment. Over the past decades, the concept of neuroplasticity has gained substantial traction in neuroscience, offering novel insights and opening up[Read More…]

Based on traits: Selecting more resilient wood for future wood-building industries

Before concrete and steel, wood was the predominant material in many human endeavours. Nowadays, while wood has been mostly replaced, its usage remains common. Wood construction specialists, however, continue to rely on only a few species, limiting their survivability against climate change. To ensure the viability of forestry and building[Read More…]

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