SSMU Election 2017: President

The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) President is the spokesperson of the Society, enforces its constitution and internal regulations, and manages relations between SSMU and McGill. The president is also responsible for coordinating the SSMU executive team. The three candidates are Lukas Shannon, Helen Ogundeji, and Muna Tojiboeva. At[Read More…]

What has McGill done for you?

At the outset, three or four years may seem like a long time. But by the end of a degree, students often feel anxious about what to do next. Unlike the shift from high school to university—which is, for many, a direct transition—the movement from an undergraduate degree into “whatever’s[Read More…]

Don’t call me busy

McGill is a large school teeming with spaces to get involved. Finding your niche as a freshman is daunting, and, even then, being involved can come to feel like a burden. Students must often juggle their coursework with extracurricular activities, social commitments, volunteering, and athletics. Students who are incredibly engaged[Read More…]

Which elective should I take at McGill?

Over the course of the post-secondary experience, there are countless opportunities to branch out from your field of study. Electives can challenge students to see their degree in a new light, gain a more holistic perspective of what is available for study at McGill, bump up your GPA, and ultimately[Read More…]

SUS presents updates on Burnside basement renovation

On Wednesday, Nov. 25 the Science Undergraduate Society (SUS) held its last General Council (GC) meeting of the semester, during which it wrapped up remaining agenda items and prepared for next semester. Provincial representation The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) has been deliberating on whether to join a new[Read More…]

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