The changing face of family care at McGill

McGill’s Social Equity and Diversity Education Office (SEDE) hired Tanya Lalonde in August as McGill’s first family resource coordinator, marking a consolidation in services for students and staff with children. The funding for the position came from the Sustainability Projects Fund, a student-funded program matched by the administration to ensure[Read More…]

AUS McGill Lounge

AUS Council presents 2015-2016 budget for notice

The Arts Undergraduate Society of McGill University (AUS) held a Council meeting on Oct. 7, and discussed its budget, amendments to the climate change proposal brought forth by the Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU), and updates on SNAX’s Memorandum of Agreement (MoA). AUS budget AUS Vice-President (VP) Finance, Mirza[Read More…]

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