A Letter of Apology to the Ottawa Emergency Services

Last weekend, my boyfriend and I decided to take my family’s newly purchased boat out on the Ottawa River for a romantic sunset cruise. We had wine and a small snack, and I must admit, I thought I might even get a little lucky that night. Instead, we spent at least two extra hours stuck in the middle of the river with a dead engine, at which point I decided to call the Ottawa Emergency Services.

Srinagar: Capital of Conflict in Kashmir

Since the end of British rule in India in 1947, a territorial dispute between Pakistan and India has left the Kashmir Valley in continuous conflict. Despite some political divisions in the population, which is predominantly Muslim, the majority of Kashmiris want independence from India, and would like to see the regions of Jammu and Kashmir become a single, independent state.

The Indian government has worked hard to find solutions to this serious internal crisis, especially after pro-independence demonstrations erupted this past summer. Every effort to calm Kashmiris has proven futile, resulting in further unrest in the disputed territories.

Precious, Text-Free Moments

“Hey whats up”

I read those three simple words beaming at me from the screen of my LG Rumour. Punctuation-free, of course, these are some of the most used words in the texting world. Simple, friendly, and in dire need of a response.

Smoke That Tumbleweed

University is a time for experimentation, and drugs can be the gateway to new sensations and experiences. Such experimentation, however, comes with both physical and social risks. This is the first in a series of articles on the facts and myths of certain recreational drugs. The Tribune is in no way advocating or dissuading you from trying any of these substances, but merely looking to help you make informed decisions.

The Tribune’s Guide to Electives

There are hundreds of great electives to choose from this year, but if you’re number 25 on the waitlist, try one of these courses you never knew existed. CHEM 180, 181, 182, 183: World of Chemistry Profs: Ariel Fenster, David Nobel Harpp, Joe Schwartz The founders of the Office for Science and Society team up again for the faculty’s most popular course series.

Unfortunate Culinary and Bathroom Adventures

Although I risk a great friendship, and much more, by telling this story, I feel I have a duty to society that I must fulfill. The least I can do at this point is not disclose the name of the person to whom this happened. Nevertheless, I insist that this story is true.

Figueras: the tourist-free part of Spain

Paradise on earth,or something very close to it, is located in the north of Spain, where the provinces of Galicia and Asturias meet at their northern-most points. Three cities, Ribadeo, Figueras, and Castropol, surround an estuary giving off a spectacular view from nearly every angle.

Cop Out lives up to its title

Kevin Smith’s supposed comedy, Cop Out, aims to be a big-budget action movie but falls flat with a potentially talented but ultimately disappointing cast. Combine Smith’s lackluster directing efforts with a poor script written by Mark and Robb Cullen and mediocre performances by both Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan, and you have a two-hour long movie that feels more like four, with only a handful of scenes that are laugh-out-loud-worthy.

Land Institute founder Wes Jackson discusses climate change

Wes Jackson, a leading environmentalist and the founder of the Land Institute, a Kansas-based environmental research organization, kicked off his lecture last Wednesday with a harrowing comparison. “I am going to give a talk tonight that may be rough,” said Jackson.

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