PGSS Thomson House

PGSS unanimously passes divestment motion

The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill (PGSS) hosted its first General Meeting (GM) on Wednesday, Oct.14, passing a motion to divest holdings in companies within fossil fuel industries, updating members on the new Quebec student federations, and reviewing the Sustainability Projects Fund (SPF).   Divest McGill   A motion calling[Read More…]

Kalmunity performing

Peer Review: Kalmunity

The self-dubbed “vibe collective,” Kalmunity, is a musical group who perform improvised shows twice a week in Montreal. Their unique form of “live, organic music” falls into place naturally; nothing is rehearsed beforehand, and there are no limitations for the sounds, themes, or collaborations that can be produced on stage, making[Read More…]

McGill’s exchange experience

As the new semester begins, the McGill community welcomes exchange students here to study for the Winter semester. Exchange students who studied at McGill last semester reflected upon their time here, while also offering advice for this semester’s newcomers. Helena McNish, a student from the University of Edinburgh, said that[Read More…]

Getting started on your start-up

Ever since a group of college students created Facebook from the confines of a dorm, the idea of student start-ups has gained credibility and traction amongst tech-savvy millennials. The successful social networking company’s humble roots has offered inspiration for many young and ambitious student entrepreneurs. In fact, according to Rohit[Read More…]

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