Don’t burn down the justice system

They’re finally doing it. The Conservative government, despite the colossus of evidence brought forth by enraged Canadians and the warnings of our neighbours to the south, is cracking down on crime in the most draconian way possible. The Safe Streets and Communities Act, which will appear in Parliament this fall,[Read More…]

Forgetting Jack already?

No matter where you stand on that peskily limiting left/right political spectrum, it was tough not to like Jack. During the last election the NDP was still that obscure leftist party to Liberals, with ideas that scared the hell out of Conservatives, but their cane-wielding, mustache-sporting leader somehow made the[Read More…]

The unwritten rules of Urinaldom

McGill Tribune Some of humanity’s greatest achievements are rules that have been written-down. Whether on papyrus or webpages, we document how we think things should be run, then we run them accordingly. For predictability and fairness, the Do’s and Dont’s are visibly laid out for all to see. We mobilize[Read More…]

Bringing it all back home

McGill Tribune Even to Canucks themselves, Canadian politics can be a vague procession of events that occur in another dimension; somewhere between an ice rink on Jupiter and a Tim Hortons at the end of the universe sits our Parliament. There, people discuss the two topics urgent to the Canadian[Read More…]

Too cool for school

McGill Tribune It’s no secret that our campus isn’t always a cheery oasis of bustling students whistling as they work. We rarely move from classroom to cafeteria with a hop, skip, and a “Howdy, partner.” Ours is a place where acrimony rules the student council, academic competition trumps academic enrichment,[Read More…]

Third year: the final countdown

McGill Tribune You know you’re in third-year when a) Most of your friends are caffeine addicts, and b) All your friends have anxiously started muttering phrases like “damn internships” and “admissions GPA” under their breath. Days of first-year bliss, when hitting the bib for 30 minutes on a Saturday would[Read More…]

Protecting McGill since 2010

McGill Tribune As the self-proclaimed representative of the silent student majority, things have been tough here at Life Lines. There is no genuine statistical data on the political beliefs of this majority, so I am left writing heartwarming, greeting-card-line-drenched pieces that attempt only to make the average student smile. Although[Read More…]

Sinfully (unwilling to talk about) Asian(s)

McGill Tribune Investigating the underwater, oft-unseen part of the university admissions iceberg in North America makes one thing painfully clear: the supposed commitment to equality is often tainted by status-quo-maintaining political schemes. Statistics of demographic and performance correlations for students show varying results, but one is obvious: more and more[Read More…]

Life Lines gets angry

McGill Tribune It started slowly: the clicking of a pen here, the answering of cell phone there. Then it rippled out and gathered speed: the disregard for library etiquette is growing into a tidal wave. We need to stop it before it gets there. It might just be my Spidey[Read More…]

The library stampede

McGill Tribune The Library Stampede kicks off when you wake up. After slamming your alarm clock you stumble groggily from bed, glaring around the room, daring anything or anyone to mention something about good sleep leading to good grades. The glorious image of an open, spacious library spot—plug-in included—begins to[Read More…]

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