Landlord abuse prevalent

Demands for illegal deposits, unlawful refusals of leases, collection of private information, and harassment and intimidation are among the many complaints that university housing offices have been receiving from international students in Montreal. In response, Concordia’s Student Union is urging the Quebec’s Human Rights Commission to look into the allegations.[Read More…]

Carleton University battles its student unions over fees

duate and Graduate Student Associations have had their funding cut off  by the administration since November 1. Both student unions refused to sign a new agreement with the university’s administration and board of governors, and as a result the administration has refused to give the CUSA and GSA their student[Read More…]

Architecture students vote to stand under EUS’s umbrella

The Engineering Undergraduate Society passed a motion at their council meeting on November 9 finalizing the incorporation of the Architecture Students Association as their seventh departmental society.   The ASA held a formal referendum on the potential incorporation, which ended the week before council. Sixty-five per cent of ASA students[Read More…]

SSMU may facilitate ablutions

When McGill Muslim students perform the ablution ritual, in which they wash their feet and hands multiple times before daily prayers, it can lead to wet countertops in Shatner bathrooms. To avoid the inconvenience and to ease the the ritual’s practice, the Students’ Society is attempting to take initiatives towards[Read More…]

Quebec’s Bill 115 eases access to Anglophone schools

Thousands gathered outside Premier Jean Charest’s Montreal office to protest the recently approved Bill 115 on October 18. The legislation grants students access to the English public school system after spending three years in a private non-subsidized English school and after having followed a so-called “genuine educational pathway,” which protesters[Read More…]

Council puts off Arts & Science rep. decision

The Students’ Society Council defeated a proposed referendum question at their meeting on Thursday that would have asked students to establish an Arts and Sciences representative on Council. The issue was later revisited by SSMU President Zach Newburgh allowing the question to be reconsidered as a plebiscite, a consultative instrument[Read More…]

SSMU considers switching to kegs for on-campus events

The Students’ Society is looking into the possibility of substituting kegs for bottles at campus events such as Frosh and OAP. SSMU President Zach Newburgh said that the recently proposed alternative has several benefits over the use of beer bottles, including sustainability, safety, and ease of use. “By using kegs[Read More…]

David Suzuki discusses his legacy in lecture at McGill

Anna Bock David Suzuki, the famed Canadian author and environmentalist, was welcomed by the McGill Bookstore last Tuesday. With the release of his newest book The Legacy: An Elder’s Vision for our Sustainable Future, the author addressed an eager McGill audience in a full Pollack Hall, presenting what he referred[Read More…]

Students rally to save the Architecture Cafe

Margot Van Der Krogt In a last-ditch attempt to save the Architecture Café, hundreds of students gathered to protest outside the Leacock Building last Wednesday afternoon.  The rally kicked off minutes before McGill’s first senate meeting of the year was scheduled to begin in Leacock 232. As administrators, professors, and[Read More…]

AUS VP Events Londe steps down

Arts Undergraduate Society Vice-President Events Nampande Londe resigned her position on Tuesday, citing personal reasons.

Londe had recently come under fire for allowing Arts Frosh to run a budget deficit and faced the possibility that AUS Council would impeach her. But she and AUS President Dave Marshall denied that this was the reason for her resignation.

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