Michelle Siegel

Michelle Siegel has served as Arts & Entertainment Editor since 2021, and is currently in her fourth year at McGill studying English Literature, Communications, and Classics. Her hobbies include tap dance, drumming, and overanalyzing reality television shows.

Posts by Michelle Siegel

No, I will not curb my enthusiasm

I always freeze up whenever I’m asked to describe myself. From introducing myself at the beginning of each elementary school year to writing college essays in high school, I consistently clam up in confusion when forced to encompass myself in a short paragraph. While basically everyone I know has experienced[Read More…]

Maybe I was always playing myself

In elementary school, I spent most of my Saturdays attending Young People’s Concerts at the New York Philharmonic. My memories of those days are scattered and somewhat fleeting—I was far more enthralled by post-concert trips for hotdogs at Grey’s Papaya and Revson Fountain’s extravagant water jets than the actual performances.[Read More…]

The 123’s of the ABC’s

Amidst the final days of the add/drop period and reshuffling schedules, the McGill Library has brought a different type of organization to the forefront. On Jan. 22, the McGill Library hosted a Zoom discussion by social historian and author Judith Flanders on her latest book, A Place for Everything: A[Read More…]

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