Open forum for the Provost’s Task Force on Indigenous Studies and Indigenous Education provokes dialogue on indigenous issues

On Nov. 22, the Provost’s Task Force on Indigenous Studies and Indigenous Education hosted an open forum to discuss their progress and receive input from members of the McGill Community. The Task Force was launched Sept. 22 of this year with the purpose of creating initiatives focused on integrating indigenous[Read More…]

Flashback: Charlie’s Angels

When it came to solving crime on television, male-led shows like The Man from U.N.C.L.E. and I Spy dominated espionage and crime entertainment throughout the 1960s. Although women did have some important roles, they were mainly featured alongside men. Just over 40 years ago, on Sept. 22, 1976, Charlie’s Angels premiered. Its leads[Read More…]

In pursuit of a healthy and safe Frosh

During a Sept. 28 press conference, Quebec Minister of Women Lise Thériault addressed concerns of the correlation between Frosh activities and hazing following various incidents at universities and colleges across the province of Quebec. A Montréal Gazette editorial on Frosh, in addition to the Minister’s comments, started a conversation among Frosh[Read More…]

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