The social consequences of AI

Upon hearing the words “artificial intelligence” (AI), people tend to have mixed reactions. Science fiction’s favourite trope is AI taking over the world, and literature has been portraying such ideas since at least 1921, when Karel Čapek introduced the word ‘robot’ in his famous play R.U.R. The powerful applications of[Read More…]

The ubiquity of human song

From songs on the radio to birds chirping outside, humans are constantly surrounded by music. However, while making music appears to be a universal phenomenon, the vast diversity of music across different cultures also seems to point toward variation. Furthermore, human song’s global similarities have never been proven through research. [Read More…]

Top advancements of the past decade

A look into the past reveals some of humanity’s greatest achievements: The discovery of fire, the domestication of animals, the invention of the car. The past decade in particular has seen large technological change. Gadgets and apps have become so commonplace that it is difficult to imagine a time without[Read More…]

29th edition of Soup and Science

McGill professors presented their scientific research to crowds of students in the Redpath Museum at the 29th iteration of Soup and Science from Jan. 13–17. After snacking on complementary soup and sandwiches, writers from The McGill Tribune compiled highlights from the week. Nutrient cycling and ecosystem science Fiona Soper, assistant professor in[Read More…]

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