ABCs of Science: Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias affect an estimated 500,000 Canadians. A study by the Alzheimer Society of Canada (ASC) found the disease to be the second most feared by Canadians as they age, and with good reason—the disease leads to cognitive function resulting in impaired short-term memory, the inability to[Read More…]

Research Briefs—Oct. 28, 2014

Physicists transport marbles with optical tractor beam The tractor beam—a long-distance invisible attraction beam—is a legendary staple in science fiction. In real life, moving objects using only light seems absurd, if not impossible. However, in a paper published in Nature Photonics, a team of Australian and American physicists successfully transferred[Read More…]

Experts discuss life in outer space

Spanning two days, the Annual Trottier Public Science Symposium “Are We Alone?” took the audience to the moon, Mars, and beyond. Focusing on the origin of life in our solar system, the series explored the where and how of alien life. Monday Monday’s first speaker, Planetary Society President Jim Bell,[Read More…]

ebola virus

Ebola strikes back

As far as infectious diseases go, Ebola is the new kid on the block. It was first identified in 1976, when two simultaneous outbreaks occurred in Western Africa along the Ebola River; 454 deaths occured that year. 

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