Principal Heather Munroe-Blum greets students outside of James Admin. (Alexandra Allaire / McGill Tribune)

McGill admin hosts BBQ for students and staff

Students, professors, staff, and other members of the McGill community gathered in James Square for a barbecue hosted by senior members of McGill’s administration on Sept. 13. Serving free burgers, veggie burgers, and hot dogs to approximately 3,500 people, the barbecue is the latest effort on the part of the[Read More…]

MUNACA and admin prepare to finalize agreement

The McGill University Non-Academic Certified Association (MUNACA) and the McGill administration have resolved the remaining outstanding issue on their collective agreement and are preparing to finalize proceedings. The agreement, ratified by MUNACA’s members on Dec. 5 after months of negotiations, marked the end of the union’s three-month strike last fall. On March[Read More…]

MUNACA and admin prepare to finalize agreement

The McGill University Non-Academic Certified Association (MUNACA) and the McGill administration have resolved the remaining outstanding issue on their collective agreement and are preparing to finalize proceedings. The agreement, ratified by MUNACA’s members on Dec. 5 after months of negotiations, marked the end of the union’s three-month strike last fall.[Read More…]

MUNACA rallies in front of James Admin Building

Carolina Millán Ronchetti / McGill Tribune On March 9, approximately 250 members of the McGill University Non-Academic Certified Association (MUNACA) demonstrated in front of the James Administration Building to protest about a delay in finalizing and signing a collective agreement with the McGill administration. The agreement, ratified by MUNACA’s members[Read More…]

Administration introduces new MyCourses to staff

Alexandra Allaire / McGill Tribune Last Thursday, McGill’s Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) held an event for staff to introduce the new MyCourses software, which will replace the current system on May 1, 2012. The old software, WebCT Vista, was implemented in 2005, but its vendor will no[Read More…]

AMUSE reaches tentative agreement with admin

On Feb. 22, McGill University and the Association of McGill University Support Employees (AMUSE) announced that they had come to a tentative agreement on both the economic and non-economic issues affecting casual workers at the university. The proposed agreement, which needs to be approved by a ratification vote at AMUSE’s[Read More…]

Senate discusses James Admin occupation and its causes

The Feb. 15 meeting of McGill’s Senate included discussions on Principal Heather Munroe-Blum’s responses to Dean Jutras’ recommendations regarding the events of Nov. 10 and the administration’s refusal of the CKUT and QPIRG fall referenda results. Closed to the public, the senate meeting appeared to be a response to events[Read More…]

The flaws of the admin’s provisional protocol

McGill Tribune   The most significant event on campus this week was not the 118 -hour long occupation of the James Administration Building. It was the administration’s response. Last Sunday, in an email to the student body, Vice Principal Anthony Masi unveiled a “provisional protocol,” a set of guidelines which[Read More…]

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