MUNACA rallies in front of James Admin Building

Carolina Millán Ronchetti / McGill Tribune On March 9, approximately 250 members of the McGill University Non-Academic Certified Association (MUNACA) demonstrated in front of the James Administration Building to protest about a delay in finalizing and signing a collective agreement with the McGill administration. The agreement, ratified by MUNACA’s members[Read More…]

Chilean movement leader talks student empowerment

Carolina Millán Ronchetti / McGill Tribune Throughout 2011, the Chilean student movement made headlines with its large-scale protests, creative demonstrations, and student strikes to reform the largely privatized education system. The movement, which at its apogee included between 500,000 and a million demonstrators, was described by some as one of[Read More…]

Council votes in MoA, but not Shatner lease

In the early hours of Friday morning, SSMU’s Legislative Council voted on two motions with huge implications for the future of the society. In a confidential session, the council voted in favour of signing a new Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the McGill administration, and voted against accepting the administration’s[Read More…]

Novelist Carlos Fuentes speaks on literature and law

Last Wednesday, renowned Mexican author Carlos Fuentes delivered a lecture at the McGill Faculty of Law. His talk covered a broad range of topics in an equally broad range of languages, employing English, French, and Spanish. Fuentes’s talk was titled “Literature and Law,” but it ranged over numerous subjects, including[Read More…]

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