Tag: arisha khan

J-Board declines BoD case for lack of jurisdiction

On Nov. 19, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Judicial Board (J-Board) declined to hear a case challenging the Board of Directors (BoD) adding a question to the Fall Referendum. Several SSMU members initially criticized the additional question since its submission did not follow standard procedure. Ultimately the J-Board[Read More…]

Disclosure policies remain absent in SSMU and PGSS

Policies for safe disclosure, or whistleblowing,  protect members of companies, unions, or societies who report misconduct within their organization. These policies strive to support members who report anything from financial mismanagement to harassment and assault. McGill University recognizes disclosures through its Policy on Safe Disclosures (“Whistleblowing”), adopted in November 2015.[Read More…]

SSMU Vice-President Finance suspended from the SSMU Board of Directors

The Board approved a motion mandating SSMU General Manager Ryan Hughes to investigate alleged leaks to student media during their Sept. 24 meeting. At the Oct. 16 meeting, Hughes presented the findings of his investigation to the Board. SSMU President Muna Tojiboeva, VP Internal Maya Koparkar, and VP Student Life Jemark Earle were asked to leave the SSMU boardroom for the length of the closed session, and Khan, who was attending the Blueprints for Success conference in Los Angeles on behalf of SSMU, was absent from the meeting entirely.

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