Tag: children

Cracking the honesty code: Key techniques for encouraging honesty in children

Honesty is a crucial foundation for relationships and cooperation. In early childhood education, helping children recognize the importance of honesty is fundamental.  Victoria Talwar, professor in McGill’s Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology and lab director of the Talwar Child Development Research Lab, recently published a paper in Developmental Psychology[Read More…]

Urban greenery: The surprising common thread between sustainable cities and healthy children

To the environmentalist, urban vegetation, such as rows of trees, shrubs, or flower beds, might symbolize a small act of rebellion—a patch of nature amid a concrete jungle. Beyond enhancing a city’s aesthetics and supporting mental well-being, city greenery contributes significantly to urban biodiversity and climate resilience.  However, urban vegetation’s[Read More…]

Bridging the gap: fostering a partnership between Walksafe and Service d’accueil

Following the cancellation of transportation services due to cuts in school board funding in September 2016, McGill Walksafe partnered with Service d’accueil du Centre Multi-Ethnique St-Louis, a daycare linked with FACE elementary school. Although the children were previously able to take busses from the Service d’accueil daycare to the Recreation[Read More…]

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