Tag: engineering

Benefits of geothermal energy discussed at Engineers-in-Action event

One of the biggest issues concerning attempts at reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the world’s complete dependency on burning fossil fuels for energy. Currently, modern livelihoods rely on continuous advancements in electricity, transportation, and technology. Antonino Lagana, the principal engineer at engineering company Stantec and a 1993 McGill University graduate[Read More…]

McGill-led company, Carbicrete, designs carbon neutral concrete

The process of manufacturing cement—the primary material used in the production of concrete—accounts for five per cent of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions. The emissions from cement production are unsustainable at the planet’s current rate of development. However, Carbicrete, a McGill-led technology company, has developed patented technology that not only[Read More…]

Anatomy and Cell Biology launches Mental Health Support Program

On Nov. 18, the McGill Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology launched the Mental Health Support Program. The department-based project offers students a chance to meet with individuals who were selected to be supporters. These volunteers include graduate and undergraduate students, administrative personnel, and professors trained by McGill Counselling and[Read More…]

SSMU Council creates democratic review committee

At the Nov. 3 meeting, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council voted in favour of supporting the Quebec Public Research Group (QPIRG) existence referendum, restructuring Senator elections for the Faculty of Engineering, and creating a Democratic Review Committee. Engineering Senator Elections Council passed the Motion Regarding Electing[Read More…]

Bioengineering Department seeks to form undergraduate society

Following the Quebec Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement’s approval of McGill University’s bioengineering undergraduate program in June 2016, students of the department are now campaigning for their own society.   First year bioengineering students Niloufar Serajmehdizadeh and Itai Wine have been elected as representatives to shadow Chemical Engineering Students’[Read More…]

Engineering welcomes new undergraduate program

The Department of Bioengineering opened its undergraduate program to 30 incoming U0 and U1 students this Fall. According to Antonella Fratino, Administrative Assistant at the Department of Bioengineering, the undergraduate program is the first of its kind in Canada. After the graduate program was established at McGill in 2012, the[Read More…]

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