Tag: Mohawk

Kahentinetha demands a suspension to New Vic Project, calling for further investigation into the site’s history

Kahentinetha, a Kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera (Mohawk Mother) of the Bear Clan and founder of Mohawk Nation News, is demanding the suspension of McGill’s New Vic project. In a brief posted to the Mohawk Nation News website, Kahentinetha called on McGill to acknowledge Indigenous sovereignty and to allow an investigation team—comprised of[Read More…]

Anti-Canada Picnic draws supporters and raises funds for Karhiwanoron Immersion School

In solidarity with Karhiwanoron Immersion Elementary School, the Anti-Canada Picnic brought members of the McGill community together to acknowledge 150 years of what organizers called the “Canadian settler state.” On June 29, Midnight Kitchen (MK), Quebec Public Interest Research Group of McGill (QPIRG McGill) and CKUT-FM 90.3 hosted the fundraiser[Read More…]

Open forum for the Provost’s Task Force on Indigenous Studies and Indigenous Education provokes dialogue on indigenous issues

On Nov. 22, the Provost’s Task Force on Indigenous Studies and Indigenous Education hosted an open forum to discuss their progress and receive input from members of the McGill Community. The Task Force was launched Sept. 22 of this year with the purpose of creating initiatives focused on integrating indigenous[Read More…]

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