Tag: police brutality

Abolish the SPVM

Content warning: Police violence, racism On Nov. 26, bystander video footage surfaced documenting two cases of police brutality against Black youth in Quebec. Pacifique Niyokwizera, an 18-year-old Black man, was waiting outside of a nightclub when five police officers brutalized him. In the same video, the same officers are seen[Read More…]

Concordia activists highlight challenges of human rights activism in 2020

On Sept. 13, the Concordia Student Union hosted an online seminar featuring Montreal activists discussing a wide range of subjects, such as systemic oppression against Indigenous Peoples, police brutality against Black people, and the Canadian government’s negligence towards marginalized people during the COVID-19 pandemic. The event was called “Police, Climate[Read More…]

Militarized police tactics foster community alienation

Following the police killing of unarmed African-American teenager Michael Brown, unrest and anger spilled onto the streets of Ferguson, Missouri. The ongoing event has been marked  by mostly peaceful protests, with incidences of violence. Aside from the circumstances surrounding Brown’s death, one of the big stories has been the militarized[Read More…]

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