Make your own meatball sub

Meatball subs are the quintessential Italian-American dish – a pizza, burger, and a pasta hybrid. They have all the flavors you could ask for in a meal, and they are hearty and filling. Making your own is simple, fun, and will certainly leave you satisfied (or wanting more).

A weekend in Munich

I should know better than to order anything off a German menu when the only German phrase I know is “beer, please.” Clearly this wasn’t the case after I found myself at the Haufbrauhaus in Munich, staring down at a plate of something that looked more or less like pig ankle (although I imagine it could have been an elbow or knee).

Cheese, herb and beer bread

Beer bread is a savoury quickbread, much like a salty, dense pound cake. This specific recipe is made with cheese, which seeps through the delicious bread. Rosemary and thyme impart a sophisticated flavour, but the real kicker is the beer, which acts as a levener and adds a yeasty undertone.

A rustic blood orange tart, made simple

Blood oranges are bright, aromatic, and have a rich citrus flavour. This rustic tart exploits their beautiful colors and sweet juices so that by the time it’s out of the oven your house will smell and feel like summer. Although the recipe is a slightly laborious process, think of it as an excuse to stay inside.

The ultimate double chocolate cookies

The only thing better than cookies are freshly baked cookies, and while it’s easy to bake store-bought, ready-to-bake dough, it’s not difficult to make on your own. These chocolate sable cookies are the perfect remedy for a stressful day of classes. Buttery and rich and studded with bits of softened dark chocolate, these cookies are the ultimate treat.

Sweet potato cauliflower soup

There’s cold, and then there’s Montreal cold: a rare breed of winter where the cold not only numbs your body, but also your mind. Soup is the perfect dinner to come home to after a mind-numbingly chilly walk. It’s hot, filling, and rich in flavor and texture.

Easy paninis

In Italy, “panino” just means sandwich, usually made up of pretty basic ingredients. On this side of the Atlantic, however, the name conjures up images of crusty bread, melting cheese and piles of meat, something that seems complicated and gourmet, but doesn’t have to be.

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