Arts & Entertainment


POP Montreal got off to a loud start Wednesday night with a sold-out set from Vacouver rockers Japandroids.

With a new album to be released at the beginning of next year, the band took the opportunity to preview some new songs, promising to “get them out of the way first”  so they could save the old favourites for last. None of the new tunes were drastically different than anything on their debut, Post-Nothing, and found the band playing to its strengths: energetic, sloppy rock with big hooks and sing-a-long choruses.

It’s been said before but it bears repeating: Japandroids make a lot of noise for just two people. Guitarist Brian King strums ferociously and drummer David Prowse (no, not Darth Vader) hits his drums so hard they often end up a few inches away from where they started.

Their intensity eventually incited a mosh pit that lasted for the rest of the set, sweaty bodies bouncing off each other with joyful abandon as King encouraged the crowd to act like they didn’t “have a care in the world.” From there, the choruses to “The Boys Are Leaving Town,” “Rockers East Vancouver,” and “Young Hearts Spark Fire” were sung with anthemic conviction, which is exactly what they’re designed for.

No matter how loud the music got, the response from the crowd came close to matching it, as each song was met with rapturous applause. The band seemed genuinely taken aback by the warm reception and gave their sincere thanks throughout the night. Whether or not the audience heard it is another question.

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