Student Life

All about student life on campus.

STUDENT LIVING WEBSITE OF THE WEEK: Eavesdropping while procrastinating

As of late, many students have become extremely uncomfortable with the level of creepiness some online social networks, ahem, Facebook, have stooped to – going from knowing details about people you’ve never actually met in reality, to knowing the last time that person ate a meal, went to the bathroom and slept in someone else’s bed.


You gotta hear this one song, it’ll change your life, I swear, exclaims Natalie Portman’s character Sam in the 2004 indie film Garden State. While she may have been exaggerating a bit, McGill students are taking her advice rather seriously. Even with the live bands playing on the OAP stage, students everywhere are wandering around campus with little white wires dangling from their ears.

STUDENT LIVING: How-To-Essay writing 101

Research: Research papers are, after all, founded on research, and research implies sources. A good rule of thumb is one book for every two pages and two journal articles for every three. So for a 10-page paper, you would want at least five books and seven articles, plus as many primary sources as you can get your hands on.

STUDENT LIVING: Top ten fashion must-haves

1) The skinny jean – Although some of us may have boycotted the skinny jean for a while, it’s back with a vengeance this season. Every other person on campus is donning a pair. Just keep in mind that they are tight, so the darker they are, the better. 2) The slouchy sweater – An alternative to the McGill sweatshirt, this soft knit is both comfortable and fashionable.

STUDENT LIVING: How-to-Just don’t get caught

Every path in life has a shortcut, a simple approach and an easy way out. It is common knowledge that the masses cheat in school, work and even dieting. Although we hate to admit it, almost every one of us has, at one point in our lives, found ourselves cheating at something or, even worse, on someone.

WEBSITE OF THE WEEK: Gossip looks pretty in pink

As we enter the first week of school feeling relaxed and refreshed after four months of summer, we tend to forget the horrors of midterms, papers and finals. Slowly but surely, though, the pressure of university starts to creep onto the shoulders of each and every one of us.

Campus Calendar

Screening of Point Blank When: Oct. 28 7-9 p.m. Where: Arts W-125 DESA presents a film screening of the 1967 noir classic Point Blank. Cultural Studies professor Alanna Thain will be presiding over the screening and will lead an informal discussion after the movie.

Batch of Blood

Blood, guts, and gore are trademarks of most horror movies and Halloween costumes. But bad fake blood can ruin even the goriest costume. A visit to the costume shop might solve the problem, but with these simple tools, anyone can create scream-worthy innards.

Tribune Dating Xtravaganza

With all the lonely hearts grumbling about the impending onslaught of sickly sweet Valentine’s schmaltz, ponder this: is romance dead? Before the Valentine’s Grinch that dwells in the recesses of your soul comes out and grabs the nearest bottle of liquor, rest assured that you’re not alone; the dating situation at McGill is more dire than delicious for many.

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