Student Life

All about student life on campus.

FOOD: Ile de where…?

Île de la Reunion! If you have any clue as to the whereabouts of this obscure island, then you are probably a Geography major because it seems only a handful of people in this city have even heard of it. J. Pierre Charpentier, the manager of Le Piton de Fournaise, decided that he was sick of the Montreal cold and went abroad and spent six years on this minute southern African island located in the Indian ocean off the east coast of Madagascar.

Cashing in on ‘awkward’ moments

Generally speaking, the average student goes to the bathroom with one or two specific goals in mind; one of which is not to select a new social action group to join. Or is it? Washroom stalls across campus are becoming increasingly more cluttered with advertisements ranging from club meetings to Vonage telephone service.

Citizens of the world appreciate Coke

Tadpole biting the wax. Not really an appetizing name for the sweet fizzy drink known as Coca-Cola, which is exactly why the Atlanta, Georgia soft drink giant spent loads of money researching a new name for Coke in China, one that would mean “tasty and amusing.

CHATTERBOX: ‘Lu and behold!’

Not many professors would start their 10 a.m. class with an Eminem song blaring over the sound system as their half-awake students stumble into the room. Then again, not many professors are like Catherine Lu, who currently teaches Western Political Thought on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the Adams auditorium The political science department has more than twice as many men as women professors.

STUDENT LIVING: HOW-TO-Prank your roommate

You will encounter many challenges throughout your university experience: making decisions about your daunting major concentration, dealing with significant other problems, answering the question “to drink or not to drink” and of course, facing the quintessential university roommate dilemmas.

JUMBO SHRIMP: University life and other oxymorons

If Martha Stewart has taught me nothing else, it is to never apologize for a meal before you serve it. By all means, apologize as your guests are being carted off on stretchers by EMS, but not a moment before that lobster-lychee casserole hits the table. Thankfully, Martha Stewart’s credibility is completely shot, and thus I unabashedly forgiveness culpa, dear reader.

STUDENT LIVING WEBSITE OF THE WEEK: Eavesdropping while procrastinating

As of late, many students have become extremely uncomfortable with the level of creepiness some online social networks, ahem, Facebook, have stooped to – going from knowing details about people you’ve never actually met in reality, to knowing the last time that person ate a meal, went to the bathroom and slept in someone else’s bed.


You gotta hear this one song, it’ll change your life, I swear, exclaims Natalie Portman’s character Sam in the 2004 indie film Garden State. While she may have been exaggerating a bit, McGill students are taking her advice rather seriously. Even with the live bands playing on the OAP stage, students everywhere are wandering around campus with little white wires dangling from their ears.

STUDENT LIVING: How-To-Essay writing 101

Research: Research papers are, after all, founded on research, and research implies sources. A good rule of thumb is one book for every two pages and two journal articles for every three. So for a 10-page paper, you would want at least five books and seven articles, plus as many primary sources as you can get your hands on.

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