News, SSMU

Robin Reid-Fraser

What do you think the biggest challenge will be for VP External next year?

I think that it’s sort of hard to say because the past couple of years the main focus has been on the tuition stuff but we just don’t really know what’s going to happen with that at this point. … I think that keeping McGill students informed about what’s going on about [tuition increases]…. Being able to continue that effort and especially because there’s been so much happening this year and kind of making sure that people aren’t just totally exhausted and burnt out and tired of it, you know? 

What is the most important role of VP external?

I think that it’s just really important to be able to make sure that McGill students are part of things that are going on off of campus. Obviously it’s historically been a very political position, so things like tuition [are important] obviously, but I think that it’s important to just … make it easy for [out-of-province students] to really understand the issues that are going on in this province and some of the political things that a university of this size and reputation can get involved with, if students want to.

What was your involvement with the sixth floor occupation?

I was a member of 6Party, I was one of the ones who stayed there for the whole time.

How would you address people who might be critical of the role you played in the occupation?

I think that we learned a lot over the course of that occupation. … There was just this huge conversation that was happening on campus because of it and I think that’s really important … I think that at this point we need to be able to kind of step back from that kind of action that is really divisive and makes people feel alienated and be able to have conversation about these broader issues.

It was very clear to us that there were problems that needed maybe a more direct approach. But there are a lot of students who have not been involved in the same way, and I think it’s really great that that conversation was happening … that’s where we need to be really focusing and making sure that students kind of understand some of the history around these things and can also have an environment that is very safe for them to come and voice their concerns and ask their questions.

If you could high-five anyone in history, who would you high-five?

My first thought was Jack Layton … I’ve been involved with the NDP for many years and he did some really amazing things … and now he’s gone.

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