McGill College Ave. at Christmas (Melanie Simon / McGill Tribune)

Christmas time in the city

Once the first snowflakes start falling, we know that winter is officially here. And with winter comes hot chocolate, and cozy blankets. When we bring out the word ‘holiday,’ it also means decorating, baking, and lots of eggnog. That’s right, it’s time to get excited! Even though you’re going to[Read More…]

Ecologist speaks about need to conserve canopies

On Thursday, March 8, the McGill school of environment hosted a lecture by Dr. Nalini Nadkarni, a renowned forest ecologist and professor at the Evergreen State College in Washington. The event, which took place in New Residence Hall, was preceded by a round table with Nadkarni and students from the[Read More…]

Business leaders share success with students

Sam Reynolds / McGill Tribune On Jan. 27, students, faculty, administration, and alumni came together at the Omni Hotel for the 32nd Management Achievement Awards. The event honoured four individuals in the business world who had exemplified entrepreneurial skills, using their success to give back to the community. The event[Read More…]

With new novel, Jeffrey Eugenides is keeping it real Jeffrey Eugenides began his new novel, The Marriage Plot, with a single idea: his female protagonist, an English student at Brown University in the early 1980s, is discovering love while the postmodern theorists she reads in her classes are deconstructing the very concept. The book, as he conceived it,[Read More…]

This is what university looks like

It’s always been unclear to me on what grounds those T-shirts labeling Harvard “America’s McGill” seek to compare the two universities. Clearly, they’re a response to people labeling McGill “Canada’s Harvard,” but that doesn’t answer my question. The implication is that the two universities are comparable in things such as[Read More…]

Shake and half-baked conspiracy theories Shakespeare has joined the ranks of Godzilla, alien invaders, and apocalyptic Mayan predictions, with the release of Roland Emmerich’s latest film, Anonymous, in which we, the English-speaking world, are the unknowing victims of a political and literary conspiracy of titanic proportions. A conspiracy involving Queen Elizabeth herself and the[Read More…]

Homecoming weekend draws parents, alumni to campus

Anna Katycheva This past windy, rainy, weekend, students had a glimmer of hope: their parents came up to visit, and alumni from past years met current students at homecoming. “Every year McGill welcomes back thousands of graduates for homecoming. Alumni not only get the chance to reconnect with the university[Read More…]

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