The film that cried wolf

What would you do with a $100 bill? Deposit it in your bank account, perhaps; or maybe buy that new sweater you’ve been eyeing for a while. If you’re Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio), however, the bill is perfect as a crumpled wastebasket ball—or for snorting cocaine. In DiCaprio and director[Read More…]

Crowdsourcing Innovation

I watched a man drive a hovercraft last week. The vehicle cruised over the San Francisco Bay, churning up a bed of bubbles as the crowd cheered. He sat behind the steering wheel, thousands of miles away from me and my computer screen. The man’s name is Matthew Riese, and[Read More…]

Remembering the Redmen

Bonus: An interactive timeline of the 1987 season. The post-game scrum had been relocated from the hot and crowded COTC lounge to the gym. Family members and media milled about, sipping lukewarm beer as they waited for the team to emerge. Inside the locker room, the Redmen players peeled off[Read More…]

Malcom Gladwell talks university “prestige“ factor, newest book

Last Thursday’s Seagram Lecture featured Canadian author and journalist Malcolm Gladwell, who spoke on the drawbacks of attending elite institutions, the place of the underdog in society, and his controversial stance on performance-enhancing drugs in sports. Gladwell is the award-winning author of The Tipping Point, Blink, and Outliers. The event[Read More…]

The beauty behind the brawn

It’s the closest you can get to floating: the light whisper of feet brushing over canvas, the natural rhythm of the body, and the push and pull of the dance. Everything quiets when you step on the floor; it’s just you and your partner. I always get weird looks when[Read More…]

Sports briefs

Martlet Volleyball The Martlets (6-3) took to the court against the Montreal Carabins (7-2) for the first of four regular season meetings. McGill defeated no. 2 ranked team in the country three sets to none in rounds of 25-21, 25-20, and 25-19. Ashley Norfleet, a sophomore power hitter, led the[Read More…]

A supernatural force in the natural world

The Orenda, Joseph Boyden’s long-anticipated book on the 17th century indigenous peoples of Canada, is a sweeping epic that deals with the birth of a nation—a time when Jesuit missionaries arrived on the shores of Canada. This novel succeeds not in its strength of device but rather, its impact in[Read More…]

Sports briefs

Martlet rugby The McGill Martlets’ rugby squad travelled to Quebec City this past weekend for the CIS National Championships. It was the first time since 2005 that the team advanced to the season’s final weekend. They began the tournament playing the no. 1 seeded St. Francis Xavier X-Women—a team they[Read More…]

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