Tribune Explains: The search for McGill’s new Principal

During a media roundtable on Aug. 24, Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning) Fabrice Labeau answered questions about the changing leadership at McGill ahead of Principal and Vice-Chancellor Suzanne Fortier’s departure on Sept. 6. //The McGill Tribune// asked all the burning questions about the responsibilities of this crucial campus figure. [Read More…]

McGill administration speaks to reconciliation initiatives and Mohawk Mothers federal court case

McGill’s Media Relations Office invited student media to a round table interview on Feb. 23 to discuss the progress of the university’s Indigenous Initiatives unit. In attendance was  Christopher Manfredi, provost and vice-principal (Academic); Dicki Chhoyang, interim director of Indigenous Initiatives; and Thomasina Phillips, associate director of Indigenous Student Success.[Read More…]

‘When Injustice is Fully Bilingual’: Emilie Nicolas’ Mallory Lecture discusses linguistic barriers to anti-racism work in Quebec

Emilie Nicolas, a columnist for Le Devoir and the Montreal Gazette, took to the virtual stage on Feb. 15 for this year’s Mallory Lecture, speaking about language barriers to anti-racism work. The McGill Institute for the Study of Canada (MISC) hosted the talk. Nicolas introduced her lecture by describing a[Read More…]

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