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App review: LeftoverSwap

“You’re hungry. And cheap. We understand.” This is the motto of LeftoverSwap, a new app created to facilitate the exchange of leftovers between members of the community.

The app allows ‘leftover givers’ to snap a picture of what food they cannot finish, name it, and share it with other members using the app in their community. ‘Leftover takers’ may then contact the person and arrange a location for the exchange.

The inspiration for this app boils down to sustainability. According to their website, LeftoverSwap was designed to reduce waste, and promote local eating and relationships within the community. It also jokingly suggests that “ninety-nine per cent of us don’t need a second helping of the beef lo mein.”

To encourage good ‘leftover etiquette,’ the app provides a set of guidelines for users to follow, including “Be as vigilant as you would on Craigslist: if something seems off, don’t do it” and, “Don’t give away any food that you wouldn’t eat yourself.”

The concept is striking, if not a little odd. Despite the guidelines, many receivers are hesitant to swap leftovers with strangers. That being said, it’s positive to see the development of such a quirky—and potentially useful—app geared towards promoting sustainability.

LeftoverSwap is currently available for download on the App Store and will soon release an Android and web version.

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