a, Student Life

Navigating sexual health resources at McGill

McGill provides many resources that seek to combat the stigma around sex and gynecological health, as well as provide safe and judgment-free service. Below is a list of four resources available to McGill students which aid in matters ranging from sexual health and contraception to counselling and education.

Shag Shop


While McGill’s safe sex and health store, the Shag Shop, lost its physical space last year, this hasn’t stopped it from providing students with the same merchandise as always. The Shag Shop now has an online store where students can order condoms, lubricants, toys, pregnancy tests, menstrual products, and different contraceptive options from the comfort of their own homes. Simply fill out a form and choose a payment method, and students will be emailed a pick-up location within 72 hours. The Shag Shop is also a great resource to ask questions about sexual health; a peer health educator is always on hand to answer any concerns and can be reached by email, Facebook, or at 514-398-2087. Healthy McGill kiosks are also located all over campus with free safer sex supplies that change each month.

Student Health Services


Located in room 4508 of the Brown Building, Student Health Services clinic is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Appointment bookings happen on the fifteenth of every month for appointments in the following month through a phone line that opens at 8 a.m. sharp. Students can book general check-ups, STI testing, PAP smears and more. While there is a stigma surrounding health matters related to sexuality, it is important to note that physicians do not judge—they are dedicated to making sure their patients are healthy. If students are suffering from any symptoms, the clinic also offers walk-in services; however, students must arrive early because slots fill up quickly. McGill ID cards, and either a provincial health care or McGill Blue Cross health insurance card are required at every appointment. For Macdonald Campus students, another option is the MAC clinic which opens Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in room 124 of the Centennial Centre.

Union for Gender Empowerment (UGE)


UGE is a trans*-positive feminist service located in room 413 of the SSMU Building. In addition to being an inclusive and intersectional space with a lending library and gender empowerment items, UGE coordinates a co-op stocking pay-what-you-can ecologically responsible menstrual products. They also offer DIY sex toys and safer-sex supplies. The space is also a great information hub; UGE houses a resource binder that can point one to abortion services, counselling, and queer and trans-friendly health services around Montreal. On their website, they also offer to custom order bras and undergarments to make it more accessible for those who feel uncomfortable or unsafe, or have limited financial capacity. Finally, UGE website also has a list of all gender-neutral washrooms at McGill compiled by the Social Equity and Diversity Education Office (SEDE).

Sexual Assault Centre of the McGill Students’ Society (SACOMSS)


A volunteer-run organization committed to supporting survivors of sexual assault and their allies, SACOMSS offers many services through direct support, advocacy, and outreach. Their services include drop-in appointments to their clinic in room B-27 of the SSMU building, a support line, support groups and more. SACOMSS’ hours of operation are posted on their Facebook page. SACOMSS also offers information and referrals as well as sexual assault sensitivity training to groups within McGill and Montreal.

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