a, Student Life, Student of the Week

Student of the Week: Alex Gershanov

Q: What is your motto?

A: “Energy.”

Q: Which fictional character would you most like to date?

A: Rihanna.

Q: Who is your hero?

A: That guy with the golden voice—this guy who was homeless but he has this amazing radio voice.

Q: Batman or Superman?

A: Batman.

Q: What is your lucky charm?

A: My “rage” shirt. The one that says “rage” on it.

Q: If you could say one thing to Kim Kardashian, what would it be?

A: “Take me.”

Q: Yams or Sweet Potatoes? (They’re different)

A: Neither. I stick with potatoes.

Q: What word or expression do you most overuse?

A: “Word.”

(Alexandra Allaire/ McGill Tribune)
(Alexandra Allaire/ McGill Tribune)

Q: Describe your favourite article of clothing.

A: I have a tank top from this new Montreal-based company that’s called “Cure,” and it has brass knuckles on it, and it says “Wisdom is Power.”

Q: Kris Humphries or Lamar Odom?

A: I don’t know either one of those people.

Q: Name one song that takes you back to O-week of first year.

A: Take Over Control – Afrojack

Q: Which historical figure would you most want to have a beer with?

A: Alexander the Great

Q: What’s your least favourite sound in the world?

A: “It’s ok, it happens to everyone”

Q: Jay Leno or Conan O’Brien?

A: Conan. [Forget] Jay Leno.

Q: What’s the last song you remember listening to?

A: Mykonos – Fleet Foxes.

Q: How many times have you had poutine since you’ve moved to Montreal?

A: Like, 15.

Q: Michael Jackson or Michael Jordan?

A: Jackson.

Q: Rank the Harry Potter books from best to worst.

A: 4, 2, 3, 1—haven’t read the other three.

Q: Describe Montreal in three words.

A: For the taking.

Q: James Franco or Dave Franco?

A: James Franco.

Q: Sports Illustrated or Cosmo?

A: Sports Illustrated.

Q: If you were a Crayola crayon, what colour would you be?

A: Royal Purple.

Q: What’s the first thing you think of when I say Thanksgiving?

A: My birthday.

Q: Who would play you in the movie of your life?

A: Nicholas Cage.

Q: Why are you an asset to McGill?

A: I’m a beatboxer for an a capella group, and I try and get involved in engineering events. I make cool music on the street, drumming and such on buckets and pans, and I bring the energy. I am the energy.

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