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Professional soccer continues to prioritize commercial interests over safety and ethics

Content warning: Mentions of sexual violence, assault, and rape. The narrative that rape accusations ruin the lives of the accused is dangerous, untrue, and often not the case, especially with high-profile alleged abusers. Athletes, managers, and coaches across the sporting world have faced allegations of sexual violence and face minimal[Read More…]

Fall festivities flop: A reflection on pumpkin & autumn spice drinks

Despite the ongoing seasonal joy and fall festivities, the best season of the year—subjectively—will soon come to an abrupt end. This marks the beginning of finals and the fast-approaching end of the school semester.  As a fourth-year Science student, my university experience has often consisted of late nights and cheap[Read More…]

Removing the mask: Uncovering the importance of mental health in men’s sports

Professional sport is a bastion of prowess and unwavering determination. In times where mental health and introspection are evermore pertinent, society is starting to recognize the importance of mental health advocacy, especially for high-level athletes. While recent years have seen a surge in discussions surrounding mental health, particularly among women[Read More…]

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