Month: March 2018

Cassie Campbell-Pascall resigns as CWHL governor

Within the world of North American women’s hockey, there is a growing movement to unite the two professional leagues: The Canadian Women’s Hockey League (CWHL) and the National Women’s Hockey League (NWHL). This movement has gained significant momentum after hockey icon Cassie Campbell-Pascall—three-time Olympic Medalist and former captain of the[Read More…]

PGSS Council debates motion to amend commissioner roles

The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University (PGSS) Council held a meeting on March 21 during which they announced an accessibility audit of Thomson House and discussed a motion to amend the responsibilities of PGSS commissioners.   Audit of Thomson House PGSS Financial Affairs Officer Matthew Satterthwaite announced that a[Read More…]

How to avoid someone on campus

We’ve all been there: You’re walking on campus and you take a moment to look up from your phone, only to spot someone 20 steps away who you would much rather avoid seeing. Instead of sucking it up and just engaging in that one-second interaction, we would rather avoid any[Read More…]

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