Month: March 2018

Compost Pilot Project to tentatively launch in La Citadelle Residence

As part of the McGill Vision 2020 plan to introduce environmentally-sustainable operations on campus,  McGill’s Facilities Management and Ancillary Services department is implementing the Zero Waste Project, which will introduce compost bins across campus. Composting is the natural biological process in which various microorganisms decompose organic waste—such as food scraps,[Read More…]

Tribune Explains: CAMSR

What is CAMSR? The Committee to Advise on Matters of Social Responsibility (CAMSR) is an ad hoc committee whose mandate is to advise the Board of Governors (BoG) on socially responsible investing. Final decisions on the University’s academic, business, and financial affairs rest with the BoG. For an investment to[Read More…]

Canadian tax policy: Subject to change

To mark the 100th anniversary of Canada’s income tax, the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada (MISC) held its annual “Who Pays for Canada? Taxes & Fairness” conference on Feb. 22 and 23. A series of panels covered the philosophy of taxes, ways to fairly distribute tax revenue across[Read More…]

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