Tag: eva b

On becoming the It-Girl

With the spring weather suddenly upon us, it is time to look wistfully forward to summer…or more specifically, the summer aesthetic. It doesn’t matter that it is barely spring, or that the spring solstice was only last Sunday—it will never be too early to start working on your bikini body! [Read More…]

Alternative snacks near campus

Over the past two weeks, McGill students have been mourning the loss of their dear samosa sales with a candlelight vigil, social media conversations, and even a planned campus protest. With the apparent end of this campus food staple, students  are forced to either break their budgets or power through[Read More…]

A walk through Eva-B

While walking down the glittery, busy St-Laurent, it’s easy to pass by a store like Eva-B. The storefront is boarded up and covered by graffiti and stickers, looking more like an abandoned building than a vintage store. Yet beyond this front lies one of the most popular vintage haunts in[Read More…]

Searching for the perfect fit

Halloween is fast approaching, and so is the need to find the perfect costume. With midterms, it’s no surprise that students have little time to search for the ideal costume. Read below to discover a list of stores near campus for last-minute Halloween costumes. EVA B 2015 Saint-Laurent This gem[Read More…]

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